Monday, February 26, 2007

Judy Tan says "Your Mother"

hi there! this is Mother. not your mother. i will be playing the role of Mother Wu in Surviving the Nian. i must say, blogging is a strange experience. blogging is at once writing to no one in particular and everyone in the world. very weird, but exciting nonetheless, because i'm writing to potential audiences of Surviving the Nian!!!

but perhaps even stranger is the fact that i am a 26-year-old playing a 50-something-year-old mom. the closest thing i've given birth to is my undergraduate senior thesis, and if that were a child, god save us all.

it won't be the first time that i will be playing Mother. besides being caregiver of my younger (by 12 years) twin brothers growing up, i was a mom in two past staged readings of STN. and, under the miraculous direction of first eugene tan and then patrick wang, i began to embody Mother Wu. and, really, patrick can make a chicken play Mother Wu, he's that amazing. i feel totally confident and comfortable that he will be directing me on stage. part of being an actor, i've learned, is to completely trust your director, even more than your better judgment (since mine always turn out to be wrong anyway). it's in that letting go of yourself that you discover your character. it's a terrifying experience, but exhilarating, too.

currently, i am a graduate student at Univ. of Connecticut. although i'm not studying acting, i'm studying something close to it--psychology. i'm in my first year in a ph.d. track in social and health psychology. prior to grad school, i've worked at fenway community health (holla!) as a research associate. prior to that, i got my BA from mount holyoke college (holla!), where i continued my voice training since graduating from the "Fame" high school, laguardia h.s. of music and art and the performing arts (last holla, i promise). it's been crazy how i went from classical voice training to psychology to musical theater on the side. i must say, though, that when people asked the two-year-old me what i want to be when i grow up, my answer was, "a singer" and an actor, although i didn't know it at the time. here's to making dreams come true in Surviving the Nian!

Judy Feb 26

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